Then we have greater than one and less than 10. We have i set to 11, so all of our if and else if blocks will wind up doing nothing.
- In many cases, we’ll have code we want to run if our condition evaluates to false.
- Inside the code block of the else if statement you just created, add a console.log() that prints the string ‘It\’s fall!
- We don’t just want to know if the number is divisible by 2.
- The switch above is a perfect example of fixed data with mapped return values.
Because we are testing for another condition. We don’t just want to know if the number is divisible by 2. We also want to know whether it is a number .
If/Else Statements
If they are equal, then x is perfectly divisible by 2. This can only happen when x is even, so you return true (“x is even”). I don’t understand the difference when the instructions say to write an “else if” statement then it asks to write an “if / else” statement. Swift provides us with a tool called the else if statement which allows us to add additional conditions to a standard if/else statement. Following the multi line comment, declare a variable abbreviation and assign it one of the language abbreviations. In Languages.swift, we’ll write a program that translates the abbreviation of languages spoken in New York. I had to remove some “ifs” in your code, because a SWITCH and its CASES are practically like multiple “ifs”.
- The following if statement will display a “thank you” message after someone donates to a charity; there will be a curated message based on how much was donated.
- Control structures such as conditionals alter control flow by only executing blocks of code if certain conditions are met.
- The code following the semi-colon is, thus, excluded from the ELSE IF statement.
- Then we have greater than one and less than 10.
Add a final else if statement that checks if season is equal to ‘summer’. Add another else if statement that checks if season is equal to ‘fall’. Uses the else keyword following the code block of an if statement. Create an if/else statement that contains 3 else if statements checking for the different values of abbreviation. We have if statements, we have else statements, we can also have elif statements. Magic Eight Ball Build a virtual Magic Eight Ball using control flow in JavaScript. You’ll practice building decision-making into your programs and gain confidence in writing more robust JavaScript code.
IF / ELSE IF / ELSE Statements not working.
In my code I am confident that my user can choose a race for their character that then takes them into the relevant case in my switch. However my IF / ELSE IF / ELSE statements do not seem to return the correct console.log if the answer to both of the class prompts are “NO”. In main.js there is already an if…else statement in place. Let’s add an else if statement that checks if season is equal to ‘winter’. The if and else if statement code blocks should each contain a print statement with the corresponding language.
If you want there to be more than three choices, is it okay to make an if/else if/ else if else/ else statement? JavaScript says that there is a problem with my syntax. The following if statement will display a “thank you” message after someone donates to a charity; there will be a curated message based on how much was donated.
What is the difference between else If and If / else statement
Until now, we’ve been working with conditionals that can handle only one condition. If that condition is met, our program follows one course of action, otherwise it follows another. 2) “number” and number are not the same thing. The former is a STRING; you might call it a ‘word or sentence in human language/English’. The latter is a VARIABLE; you might think of it like a container that can hold numbers, strings, true/false etc. A string is always NaN, so your condition will always return True. Has a code block that is wrapped by a set of curly braces .
For example, if the abbreviation is FR, the String printed should be French. In the first example, we have exactly two possibilities, either the variable i is one, or it isn’t, a message is printed for both outcomes. We have our variable i set to 2, so it will be false and give us the second outcome. With just if/else, you’ll have two blocks of code, one that is executed when the if statement is true, and one that is executed whenever the if statement isn’t true.
Codecademy from Skillsoft
3) You don’t need to surround the return value with brackets. Return x is the same, and possibly more sensible than return, since return seems to assume that return is a function .
Inside the code block of the else if statement you just created, add a console.log() that prints the string ‘It\’s sunny and warm because it\’s summer! Inside the code block of the else if statement you just created, add a console.log() that prints the string ‘It\’s fall! Inside the code block of the else if statement, add a console.log() that prints the string ‘It\’s winter! In the second example, we have 3 potential outcomes.
Switch statements vs if/else if/else conditionals. What’s the difference?
In the previous exercise, we used an if statement that checked a condition to decide whether or not to run a block of code. In many cases, we’ll have code we want to run if our condition evaluates to false. Similarly to an if statement, an else if statement accepts a condition and a code block to execute for when that condition is true. What would happen if all of the elif statements were simply if statements? If you donated $1100.00, then the first three messages would all print because each if condition had been met. Control flow is the order in which statements are executed in a program. The default control flow is for statements to be read and executed in order from left-to-right, top-to-bottom in a program file.
Aside from the ‘else’, the ‘else if’ is essentially an if statement, and should, therefore, follow the syntax of the IF statement exactly. In your code, a semi-colon is prematurely terminating the ELSE IF statement, since the semi-colon marks the end of a statement. The code following the semi-colon is, thus, excluded from the ELSE IF statement. If…else statements allow us to automate solutions to yes-or-no questions, also known as binary decisions. Since a student’s numerical grade is 85, the first else if statement executes, and the value of letterGrade becomes “B”. Any number of else if statements can exist between an if and an else.